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Sunday, 8 June 2014


What is job interview?  It simply means a formal meeting at which somebody is asked questions to see if he or she is fit for job.  Experience has however revealed that not all the people that attend did well even those who had impeccable qualifications due to some reasons as identified in this study.


Many people ignore the important role of preparation before attending interview. Demand for job is greater than job supply and this makes very competitive.  This is why applicant for job nowadays needs to prepare very well to come first at interview.  There is need to research on the company for its history, products, challenges and opportunities.  This will avail you the opportunity to impress the employer as somebody is familiar with him and his investment and may eventually single you out as the best candidate for a job.


What you say at the interview matters a lot;  some applicants are very careless and can say bad things against their former boss and colleagues.  Employers may deliberately want to test your behavioral attitude by asking certain question about particular past event in your former company.  This may be to enable him determine how you are going to react if the same scenario his own organization.  It will therefore be sad if you allow your careless response to this type of question to form a bad judgment against you.  Employers like hiring competent workers they think will promote peace and harmony within and outside their business organizations.


Being enthusiastic about the company brand and objectives will convince the employer how much you share his vision.  Interview is an opportunity to show how much you believe in your capacity to add value to the objectives of the company.  You should be able to convince him that you possess the star quality he is look for.  This will definitely make him develop interest in hiring you.

Don’t be vague or dishonest in your answers

Honesty and Sincerity should be your guiding principles in your answers.  Try as much as possible to keep your conversation positive and constructive and not mentioning past failures and negative.  Watch your tongue as employer wants someone who is real, dependable and trusted.

Lack of Clarity in your answers

Make sure you answer is directed on how your contributions as a worker will assist the growth and aspiration of the organization.  You should be able to articulate how your key strengths, skills and competencies are going to help immensely in meeting the company target and aspiration. Employer does not possess magic to read your mind; he wants somebody who talks confidently and knows what he or she is doing.  Your service is your power and strength let him know how is going to be used and convince him how you are the best candidate for the job.

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