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Saturday, 24 January 2015


Presently, Nigeria is undergoing a very difficult economic period due to fall in our oil market.  This has already started putting pressure on our budget because it was pegged at fifty+ dollars per barrel and the price is around forty+ dollars.  This is going to make mockery of the entire budget this year.
 But in order to make some amendment, government is already thinking of taking some austerity measures that are going to have far reaching effect on the economic.  This is how employment and job seeking is going to be affected.  Already, the measure put in place by the ruling party since 1999 has begun to yield positive result.  The emphasis now is to revamp agricultural sector and the result and response we are getting from international bodies are indication that the project is receiving attention.

However, if you must count yourself to be ones to be very lucky and privileged to get the few jobs that are going to be available in spite of this odd, you have to prove above other competitors in the labor market that you are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to getting a job. Therefore, ensure that you update your ICT knowledge, update your resume to include all the experiences and skills that will make you stand out, subscript to authentic job portals and job engines and finally make sure you are abreast with job interview etiquettes

  • Update your ICT knowledge

We are in information age now and administration has fast moved with technology.  Business communication is run on the net and telephone now there any prospective employee that want to be relevant is to be equipped with modern day’s technology.  Correspondence, marketing and promotion are done on the net. Therefore employer is always willing and interest in hiring a job seeker that is vast in ICT knowledge.  You have to avail yourself of all the opportunity to acquire all the necessary qualification in computer content that will make useful for the present day job. To make sure you are up and doing in this ICT contents get computer machine and be practicing on it to make you conversant with the operation.  It is very cheap in the market now.

  • Update your resume to include all the experiences and skills that will make you stand out

After acquiring the necessary qualification, try and update your resume to include all the experiences, skills and accomplishments.  It does not matter; they can be voluntary or whatever.  This will prove that you are not fresh on the field and may stand out among the competing job seekers.  Some job seekers don’t consider this aspect as important therefore block their chances.

  • Subscript to authentic job portals and job engines

Submit your profile to authentic job portals and job engines which will keep you inform of available job spaces.  Sometimes, employers keep job portals and engines where you register your profile.  This makes it easy for them to invite you for interview after screening your application.  In addition there some job engines; after registering with them process your application and keep you inform of any available job in the market. The machine does this automatively as long as you keep your subscription with them.

  • Ensure you are abreast with job interview etiquettes

You have to ensure that you keep to principles and rules of job interview attendance by dressing formally and neatly, sturdy your resume and make sure you answer well at the interview.

By the time you do all this and eventually invited for the interview.  Cleverly and smartly do a follow-up with the interviewer.  You will know whether there is still room for you or the job is gone.

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